A site for audio innovators where hardware design meets DSP, Arduino code, Android apps, PC software and woodworking

  • April 16, 2023

    April 16, 2023

    Finally, some progress with the ADAU1466… There are quite a few software differences between the ADAU1701 and the ADAU1466, so I expected a long and difficult effort to update my ADAU1701 library files for the newer DSP. However, it really wasn’t too difficult, and the problems I ran into were from unexpected differences and some…

  • Feb 26, 2023

    I haven’t posted in a while, as other projects have kept me busy, but it’s time to return to this long journey. These pages have actually covered a lot of territory, but the end goal is still a bit in the distance. And the goal remains the same: developing the hardware and software that we…

  • Feb 8, 2022

    This is a preview of some upcoming projects. First, I’m still interested in a project that requires no custom hardware development, so when I saw the new 4-channel JAB4 DSP/Bluetooth amp from Wondom, I couldn’t resist. I’ve got a JAB4 board running in one of those PGA2311 preamp cases with an ESP32 CPU board for…

  • January 12, 2022

    Long time, no publish…but the logjam is finally starting to clear. It took a lot of work to move “to the country”, but the garage is done, the wife’s greenhouse/nursery is mostly done, and electronics projects are starting to show up on the desk again. I’ve finally got some software that can be used as…

  • February 16, 2021

    It’s been a long time since the last update, largely due to having to prep our house for sale. But in spite of time spent painting, refinishing floors and replacing cabinets and fixtures, there has been steady software “refactoring” for the ADAU1701 code. As noted in other posts, my engineering background is more hardware and…

  • June 13, 2020

    I had been using ITEAD studio for PCB’s and I still like that service, but it seemed like the prices were higher last time I got boards, so I decided to go with SEEED Fusion. Wow–these guys are good. I got 10 boards for that ESP-DSP design for $4.90 and splurged for DHL shipping at…

  • May 29-30, 2020

    Things are moving slowly in Audiodevelopers land, as we are working toward selling our house in Reston VA,  and that means a lot of repairs and refurbishment that keeps me busy and away from electronics.  But I’ve been trying to update this site with new content at least once a week (or more often if…

  • May 9, 2020

    I made some updates to the stereo 3-way Part 2 page, and will be adding more in the next few weeks.   However, the next update will be the software page, as I finally made a stand-alone version of the tool to process the SigmaStudio output files. This tool creates two files needed for the Arduino…

  • Welcome

    Audiodevelopers is a collaborative website to share design ideas, software, hardware and construction tips for active speakers.

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