May 29-30, 2020

Things are moving slowly in Audiodevelopers land, as we are working toward selling our house in Reston VA,  and that means a lot of repairs and refurbishment that keeps me busy and away from electronics.  But I’ve been trying to update this site with new content at least once a week (or more often if people buy me a coffee).

I don’t see much more future for the ADAU1701-based designs, as most of the low-cost possibilities have been explored, either by commercial offerings or designs offered in these page.  It’s time to move on to more capable DSP’s and more connected CPU’s to implement “smarter” active speakers.  That seems to be the right direction for this web site, but the next steps on this path will be big ones.  I’ve got the parts on order for the “Turbo 2×6” board, and once those parts come in I’ll make the board and start on a long overdue effort to refactor the software in a way that will provide a better foundation for future designs.  I’ll address the software refactoring in a later post or dedicated article.

Edited May 30: Hmmm–there still might be one more new ADAU1701 board worth considering before moving on to the ADAU1466 designs:  a “stripped-down” 1X3 board.  This could be useful for embedding in speakers to provide a 2 or 3-way crossover with BSC, EQ and delay.  And it could be used for very small woofers, as it would have the ADI superBass psychoacoustic bass enhancement algorithm, which I already have running on other boards.  I’ll put some more thought into this and see if this board has enough potential applications to make the design effort worthwhile.   If I used a double-sided board with the ADAU1701 “learning board” on one side and the ESP32 on the other side, the board could be small enough to cram into very small enclosures…






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